• Oh, Margaux 

    Oh, Margaux 

    The  bulimic, alcoholic and dyslexic actress who ended up committing suicide like her grandfather. This is about the beautiful Margaux Hemingway “It could be an epilepsy attack, it could be his grandfather’s legacy, it could be anything.” These were the words of the artist Judy Stabile pronounced before the police…

  • How are your readings going? – A brief guide on how to keep your good habits

    How are your readings going? – A brief guide on how to keep your good habits

    Reading /ˈriːdɪŋ/ noun There are some people for those the reading habit is away of being an easy thing to accomplish. For many reasons there are these ones who are taking this as a serious goal. Such is the hard job! Every New Year, most of the people make a…

  • Hardy. Françoise Hardy

    Hardy. Françoise Hardy

    Françoise is a beautiful Parisian singer and actress known as a fashion inspiration during the 60s. Her   striking photographs remain taking our breath away.  Thanks to the perfect shapes of her face and body, the photographer Jean-Marie Périer helped Hardy becoming a model, and soon became a popular fashion icon.…

  • A meal is always a good idea

    A meal is always a good idea

    I bet you grew up listening to adults that breakfast is important. We keep reading in bold letters how essential and important is that meal. Sometimes it is almost like a spam or even a cliché. Well I assume it is really important at least for me. But we cannot…

  • The impressive colorful world of Bobby Doherty

    The impressive colorful world of Bobby Doherty

    Bobby Doherty is one of my favorite photographers and a source of inspiration. I think my admiration for his work is based on his tendency to see often the beauty in food and little details. Geez, his creativity is so intense and impressive! Doherty is American born in 1989, in…

  • Joseph Szabo, stories in B&W

    Joseph Szabo, stories in B&W

    Joseph Szabo is an American photographer and teacher. Among other works he is most notable for his photographs of American youth. He has been photographing his teen-age students. His black and white images have won him worldwide admiration, from famous photographers and also from filmmakers like Cameron Crowe and Sofia Coppola.…

  • Lost in Paris – movie journal #27

    Lost in Paris – movie journal #27

    Among so many trash comedies in the world, thank God: writer-directors Dominique Abel and Fiona Gordon offered us their fourth full-length film together. Even though this is the first time watching a movie of them, I can tell they had the ability to take me away to laugh about the…

  • Good Girls Revolt – tv journal

    Good Girls Revolt – tv journal

    Even though there were lots of differences and obviously evolution in the decades of 60s and 70s, everything related to that period usually light up my curiosity. There’s something interesting about those times that inspires me in several ways. On this post I’ll introduce you a TV Series that ran…

  • 7 Useful APPS I Often Use To Stay Organized

    7 Useful APPS I Often Use To Stay Organized

    Being a digital world lover means that nowadays I am that person on your group of friends who knows an app (or plenty of them) you need for a certain thing. Well I’m that geek and I feel I am turning even worse than this – or better, it depends…